Constants (c in the above table) are always considered signed, and written in
two's compliment. Sign extension also takes place whenever needed.
i.e., to make an immediate subtraction, one just needs to add a negative number.
#### R-type:
opcode: 4 bits
dest register: 4 bits
source 1 register: 4 bits
source 2 register: 4 bits
example: ADD s0 s1 s2 = 0001 1011 1100 1101
#### I-type
opcode: 4 bits
dest register: 4 bits
constant: 8 bits
ADDI s0 28 = 0111 1011 00011100
ADDI s0 -2 = 0111 1011 11111110
#### J-Type
opcode: 4 bits
dest register: 4 bits
jump address register: 4 bits
constant: 4 bits
The constant is added to the value of the second register argument.
### JIT's system calls:
the `CALL` instruction is a bit of a hack because I want to load more functionality into the thing.
The JIT can decide what to do with the register s0 and the number c.
It should be possible to open files, write files, read stdin, write to stdout, etc...
#### io\_vec: first systemcall environment
Working on this, quick and dirty.
### Binary executable format:
Binary files start with two 16 bit numbers, a constant and a length N, followed by a list of
length N of pairs 16 bit numbers. This is the header of the file.
The initial constant is currently unused and unimportant. In this draft-toy-spec, the initial constant
is always 39979.
The first number is an offset, and the second number is a size N in bytes.
The offset points at a null-terminated UTF-8 (yes.) string, located offset\*16 bits to the right after the end of the header in the binary file, followed by arbitrary binary content of size N\*16 bits.
The utf-8 string cannot contain the null character anywhere, as that will be used as terminator.
This represents a "symbols table" of the binary file, where functions and data can be stored.
There must exist a symbol named "main", and it must point to a function: this will be the entrypoint to our program.
When loading a binary program, all the code in the binary file is placed at the start of our memory, followed by the data sections, in the order it appeared.
The "text" sections (or code) are put in the order they appeared on the binary file, with the only exception of the "main" section, witch goes at the start of the file.