second commit - still messy
This commit is contained in:
24 changed files with 1318 additions and 1 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
### Disclaimer
This is a fantasy architecture on which I intend to write fantasy compilers. It was born out of the
"fuck around and find out" philosophy, and is a toy project. I will change a lot of stuff as I learn
how it's done in the real world. For now, I'm just gonna guess and have fun.
Since I'm studying riscV, this will be a lot riscv inspired.
# The GRAVEJIT virtual machine
The gravejit virtual machine sports 16 16-bit registers (plus the program counter!) and 16 operations.
Here is the list of registers togheter with memonics.
0 : zero // register 0 is always 0.
1 : ra // return address
2 : sp // stack pointer
3 : t0 // temporary
4 : t1
5 : t2
6 : t3
7 : a0 // function arguments
8 : a1
9 : a2
10: a3
11: s0 // saved registers
12: s1
13: s2
14: s3
15: t4 // don't know what to do with this
pc: program counter.
## ISA
opcode | memonic | format | description
0000 | NOP | just 0s'| Does nothing.
0001 | ADD s0 s1 s2 | R | s0 = s1 + s2
0010 | SUB s0 s1 s2 | R | s0 = s1 - s2
0011 | AND s0 s1 s2 | R | s0 = s1 && s2
0100 | XOR s0 s1 s2 | R | s0 = s1 xor s2
0101 | SLL s0 s1 s2 | R | s0 = s1 << s2
0110 | SLI s0 c | I | s0 = s0 << c
0111 | ADDI s0 c | I | s0 = s0 + c
1000 | BEQ s0 s1 s2 | R | if (s1 == s2) -> pc = s0
1001 | BGT s0 s1 s2 | R | if (s1 > s2) -> pc = s0
1010 | JAL s0 s1 c | J | s0 = pc+1; pc += s1 + c;
1011 |
1100 | LOAD s0 s1 s2 | R | loads s1 + shift by s2 in s0
1101 | STORE s0 s1 s2| R | stores s0 in address s1 + shift by s2
1110 | CALL s0 c | I | performs system call
1111 | HALT | just 1s'| halt, and possibly catch fire.
### Operation formats:
Each istruction is 16 bits long.
The first 4 most-significant bits are the opcode.
Constants (c in the above table) are always considered signed, and written in
two's compliment. Sign extension also takes place whenever needed.
i.e., to make an immediate subtraction, one just needs to add a negative number.
#### R-type:
opcode: 4 bits
dest register: 4 bits
source 1 register: 4 bits
source 2 register: 4 bits
example: ADD s0 s1 s2 = 0001 1011 1100 1101
#### I-type
opcode: 4 bits
dest register: 4 bits
constant: 8 bits
ADDI s0 28 = 0111 1011 00011100
ADDI s0 -2 = 0111 1011 11111110
#### J-Type
opcode: 4 bits
dest register: 4 bits
jump address register: 4 bits
constant: 4 bits
The constant is added to the value of the second register argument.
### JIT's system calls:
the `CALL` instruction is a bit of a hack because I want to load more functionality into the thing.
The JIT can decide what to do with the register s0 and the number c.
It should be possible to open files, write files, read stdin, write to stdout, etc...
#### io\_vec: first systemcall environment
Working on this, quick and dirty.
### Binary executable format:
Binary files start with two 16 bit numbers, a constant and a length N, followed by a list of
length N of pairs 16 bit numbers. This is the header of the file.
The initial constant is currently unused and unimportant. In this draft-toy-spec, the initial constant
is always 39979.
The first number is an offset, and the second number is a size N in bytes.
The offset points at a null-terminated UTF-8 (yes.) string, located offset\*16 bits to the right after the end of the header in the binary file, followed by arbitrary binary content of size N\*16 bits.
The utf-8 string cannot contain the null character anywhere, as that will be used as terminator.
This represents a "symbols table" of the binary file, where functions and data can be stored.
There must exist a symbol named "main", and it must point to a function: this will be the entrypoint to our program.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
use crate::cpu::Word;
type RegisterMem = String;
pub type ConstId = String;
pub enum Const {
pub enum Operation {
// R type
ADD(RegisterMem, RegisterMem, RegisterMem),
SUB(RegisterMem, RegisterMem, RegisterMem),
AND(RegisterMem, RegisterMem, RegisterMem),
XOR(RegisterMem, RegisterMem, RegisterMem),
SLL(RegisterMem, RegisterMem, RegisterMem),
BEQ(RegisterMem, RegisterMem, RegisterMem),
BGT(RegisterMem, RegisterMem, RegisterMem),
LOAD(RegisterMem, RegisterMem, RegisterMem),
STORE(RegisterMem, RegisterMem, RegisterMem),
// I Type
SLI(RegisterMem, Const),
ADDI(RegisterMem, Const),
CALL(RegisterMem, Const),
// J Type
JAL(RegisterMem, RegisterMem, Word),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
mod AST;
mod tests;
mod parser;
struct Assembler {}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
use crate::cpu::Registers;
use super::AST::{Operation, Const};
use Operation::*;
type Loc = u16;
pub enum ParseError {
/// represents the state of our parser.
pub struct Parser {
loc: u16, // current number of operations parsed.
symtable: Vec<(String, u16)>, // symbols encountered, position.
pub input: Vec<String>, // input file
impl Parser {
pub fn new(i: String) -> Self {
Parser {
loc: 0,
symtable: vec![],
input: sanitize(i),
// removes comments and whitespaces, and splits the input in lines.
fn sanitize(i: String) -> Vec<String> {
.map(|x| remove_comments(x))
.map(|x| x.trim())
.filter(|x| *x != "")
.map(|x| x.to_string())
fn remove_comments(i: &str) -> &str {
if let Some(end) = i.find(';') {
return &i[0..end];
} else {
return i;
/// Checks if the string i starts with pat.
/// Returns the rest of the input string on success
/// else, returns None
fn match_string(i: &str, pat: &str) -> Option<String> {
let mut in_chars = i.chars();
for pat_c in pat.chars() {
if let Some(c) = {
if c != pat_c {
return None
let rest = in_chars.collect();
return Some(rest);
/// Matches till the "stop" string is found.
/// Returns a tuple containing the preceeding string and
/// the rest of the input string.
/// Ex: assert_eq!(Ok("Lorem ", " Ipsum"), match_alpha_till("Lorem X Ipsum", "X") );
fn take_alpha_till(i: &str, stop: &str) -> Option<(String, String)> {
if let Some((matched, rest)) = i.split_once(stop) {
return Some((matched.to_string(), rest.to_string()))
} else {
return None
/// Matches inside the `start` and `stop` delimiters.
/// Return a tuple with the string in between the two
/// togheter with the rest of the string.
fn take_between(i: &str, start: &str, stop: &str) -> Option<(String, String)> {
let s1 = match_string(i, start)?;
return take_alpha_till(&s1, stop);
fn take_between_test() {
assert_eq!(take_between("\"wow\" etc", "\"", "\""), Some(("wow".to_string(), " etc".to_string())));
enum SectionContent {
use SectionContent::*;
pub struct Section {
name: String,
content: SectionContent,
// A .section has a name and variable content.
impl Parser {
pub fn parse_sections(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Section>, ParseError> {
let mut res = vec![];
let mut lines = self.input.iter().map(|x| x.as_str()).into_iter();
while let Some(l) = {
println!("Examing line: {}", l);
if l.starts_with(".") {
let Some((kind, name)) = take_alpha_till(&l[1..], " ") else {
return Err(ParseError::BadSectionHeader);
match kind.as_str() {
"text" => {
let s : Vec<&str> = lines.clone().take_while(|&x| !(x).starts_with(".")).map(|x| x).collect();
res.push(Section { name: name.trim().to_owned(), content: Code(parse_code(&s)?)})
"asciiz" => {
let Some(s) = else {return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedEOF)};
let Some((s, _)) = take_between(s.trim(), "\"", "\"") else {return Err(ParseError::BadSectionContent)};
res.push(Section { name: name.trim().to_owned(), content: CString(s)})
"i16" => {
let s =;
"u16" => {
let s =;
"vi16" => {
let s =;
"vu16" => {
let s =;
_ => {
return Err(ParseError::UnknownSectionKind);
return Ok(res);
fn parse_code(i: &[&str]) -> Result<Vec<Operation>, ParseError> {
let mut res = vec![];
for line in i {
return Ok(res);
fn parse_code_line(i: &str) -> Result<Operation, ParseError> {
// every operation has at most 3 arguments
let mut bits = i.split_whitespace();
println!("current parse code line: {}", i);
let Some(op) = else {return Err(ParseError::BadSectionContent)};
// no type
match op {
"nop" => {return Ok(NOP);},
"halt" => {return Ok(HALT);},
_ => {}
// I-type
let Some(r1) = else {return Err(ParseError::BadSectionHeader)};
let Some(r2) = else {return Err(ParseError::BadSectionHeader)};
match op {
"addi" => {
return Ok(ADDI(r1.to_owned(), parse_const(r2)?));
"sli" => {
return Ok(SLI(r1.to_owned(), parse_const(r2)?));
"call" => {
return Ok(CALL(r1.to_owned(), parse_const(r2)?));
_ => {}
return Err(ParseError::BadInstruction);
fn parse_const(i: &str) -> Result<Const, ParseError> {
// we try to parse the number, if we fail, we treat it as a string.
let Ok(num) = i.parse() else {
return Ok(Const::CS(i.to_owned()));
return Ok(Const::C(num));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// use super::*;
use crate::assembler::parser;
fn parser_test() {
println!("Parser test begins");
let code = std::fs::read_to_string("./tests/assembly/hello_world.grasm").unwrap();
let mut parser = parser::Parser::new(code);
let r = parser.parse_sections().unwrap();
println!("Parsed sections: {:?}", r);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
use super::registers::Register;
type Constant = i8; // 8 bits max, so it works.
pub enum OP {
ADD(Register, Register, Register),
SUB(Register, Register, Register),
AND(Register, Register, Register),
XOR(Register, Register, Register),
SLL(Register, Register, Register),
SLI(Register, Constant),
ADDI(Register, Constant),
BEQ(Register, Register, Register),
BGT(Register, Register, Register),
JAL(Register, Register, Constant),
LOAD(Register, Register, Register),
STORE(Register, Register, Register),
CALL(Register, Constant),
pub use OP::*;
pub fn decode(op: u16) -> OP {
let opcode = op >> 12;
let dest = ((op & 0x0F00) >> 8) as Register;
let r1 = ((op & 0x00F0) >> 4) as Register;
let r2 = (op & 0x000F) as Register;
let c = Constant::from_be_bytes([(op & 0x00FF) as u8]);
let c4 = Constant::from_be_bytes([(op & 0x000F) as u8]);
println!("opcode: {}", opcode);
return match opcode {
// todo: write a macro for every type (I-type, R-type)
0b0000 => NOP,
0b0001 => ADD(dest, r1, r2),
0b0010 => SUB(dest, r1, r2),
0b0011 => AND(dest, r1, r2),
0b0100 => XOR(dest, r1, r2),
0b0101 => SLL(dest, r1, r2),
0b0110 => SLI(dest, c),
0b0111 => ADDI(dest, c),
0b1000 => BEQ(dest, r1, r2),
0b1001 => BGT(dest, r1, r2),
0b1010 => JAL(dest, r1, c4),
0b1011 => todo!(),
0b1100 => LOAD(dest, r1, r2),
0b1101 => STORE(dest, r1, r2),
0b1110 => CALL(dest, c),
0b1111 => HALT,
_ => panic!("Not an operation."),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
mod decoder;
mod ram;
mod registers;
mod sysenv;
mod tests;
pub use sysenv::*;
pub use registers::*;
use decoder::OP;
use ram::Ram;
pub enum ExecErr {
use ExecErr::*;
use crate::{interpret_as_signed, interpret_as_unsigned};
use self::decoder::decode;
/// Simple synonim for Result<T, ExecErr>.
type CPUResult<T> = Result<T, ExecErr>;
/// The state of the interpreter.
pub struct CPU<'a, T> {
pub regs: Registers,
pub ram: Ram,
pub env: &'a mut T,
// should execution be halted? not sure if to include this or nah
halt: bool,
impl<'a, T> CPU<'a, T>
T: Sys,
pub fn execute_op(&mut self, op: OP) -> CPUResult<()> {
match op {
OP::NOP => {
self.regs.pc += 1;
OP::ADD(d, r1, r2) => {
let v1 = self.regs.get(r1).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
let v2 = self.regs.get(r2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.write(d, v1 + v2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.pc += 1;
OP::SUB(d, r1, r2) => {
let v1 = self.regs.get(r1).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
let v2 = self.regs.get(r2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.write(d, v1 - v2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.pc += 1;
OP::AND(d, r1, r2) => {
let v1 = self.regs.get(r1).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
let v2 = self.regs.get(r2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.write(d, v1 & v2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.pc += 1;
OP::XOR(d, r1, r2) => {
let v1 = self.regs.get(r1).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
let v2 = self.regs.get(r2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.write(d, v1 ^ v2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.pc += 1;
OP::SLL(d, r1, r2) => {
let v1 = self.regs.get(r1).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
let v2 = self.regs.get(r2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.write(d, v1 << v2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.pc += 1;
OP::SLI(d, c) => {
let v1 = self.regs.get(d).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.write(d, v1 << c).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.pc += 1;
OP::ADDI(d, c) => {
let v1 = self.regs.get(d).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
interpret_as_unsigned(interpret_as_signed(v1) + (c as i16)),
self.regs.pc += 1;
OP::BEQ(d, x0, x1) => {
if x0 == x1 {
let v = self.regs.get(d).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.pc = v;
OP::BGT(d, x0, x1) => {
if x0 > x1 {
let v = self.regs.get(d).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.pc = v;
OP::JAL(s0, s1, c) => {
.write(s0, self.regs.pc + 1)
let v = self.regs.get(s1).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.pc = (v as i16 + (c as i16)) as Word;
OP::LOAD(d, s1, s2) => {
let start = self.regs.get(s1).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
let offset = self.regs.get(s2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
let v = self.ram.get(start + offset).ok_or(InvalidMemoryAddr)?;
self.regs.write(d, v).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.regs.pc += 1;
OP::STORE(d, s1, s2) => {
let start = self.regs.get(s1).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
let offset = self.regs.get(s2).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
let v = self.regs.get(d).ok_or(InvalidRegister)?;
self.ram.write(start + offset, v).ok_or(InvalidMemoryAddr)?;
self.regs.pc += 1;
OP::CALL(r, c) => {
T::call(self, r.into(), c as u16)?;
self.regs.pc += 1;
OP::HALT => {
self.halt = true;
return Ok(());
fn fetch(&self) -> CPUResult<OP> {
let binop = self.ram.get(self.regs.pc).ok_or(ExecErr::InvalidPC)?;
println!("binop: {:#018b}", binop);
fn step(&mut self) -> CPUResult<()> {
let op = self.fetch()?;
println!("fetched op: {:?}, pc: {} ", op, self.regs.pc);
pub fn run_code_raw(&mut self, bin_code: &[Word]) -> CPUResult<()> {
self.halt = false;
// put the code in memory:
self.ram.write_array(bin_code, 0);
while !self.halt {
pub fn new(env: &'a mut T) -> Self {
regs: Registers::default(),
ram: Ram::default(),
halt: false,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
use crate::cpu::registers::Word;
/// We'll define our RAM as a static array.
/// The maximum adressable memory is, right now, just 65kbit of memory.
// pub const MAX_MEM: usize = 65536;
pub const MAX_MEM: usize = 40;
pub struct Ram {
mem: [Word; MAX_MEM],
impl Default for Ram {
fn default() -> Self {
return Ram { mem: [0; MAX_MEM] };
impl Ram {
/// Gets the word at memory address i. Returns none if i is
/// out of bounds.
pub fn get(&self, i: Word) -> Option<Word> {
if (i as usize) < MAX_MEM {
return Some(self.mem[i as usize]);
} else {
return None;
/// Writes val into memory address i. Returns none if i is
/// out of bounds.
pub fn write(&mut self, i: Word, val: Word) -> Option<()> {
if (i as usize) < MAX_MEM {
self.mem[i as usize] = val;
return Some(());
} else {
return None;
/// Returns a slice of memory from start to end address, inclusive.
/// None is returned if the address is out of bounds.
pub fn slice(&self, start: Word, end: Word) -> Option<&[Word]> {
if (start as usize) < MAX_MEM && (end as usize) < MAX_MEM {
return Some(&self.mem[(start as usize)..(end as usize)]);
} else {
return None;
/// Writes an array of data directly into memory, starting from
/// the "start" address.
/// Returns None if the data exceeds memory.
pub fn write_array(&mut self, data: &[Word], start: Word) -> Option<()> {
if start as usize + data.len() < MAX_MEM {
for i in {
self.mem[start as usize + i] = data[i];
} else {
return None;
return Some(());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
pub type Word = u16;
pub type Register = u8;
/// We need to hold 15 registers (zero is constant) + the program counter.
/// We'll just use a vector of u16.
pub struct Registers {
regs: [Word; 15],
pub pc: Word,
impl Default for Registers {
fn default() -> Self {
Registers {
regs: [0; 15],
pc: 0,
impl Registers {
/// retrives the register's value. Returns None if trying to access a register
/// that doesn't exist.
pub fn get(&self, i: Register) -> Option<Word> {
match i {
0 => Some(0), // zero is always 0
1..=15 => Some(self.regs[(i - 1) as usize]),
_ => None,
/// writes val to the register i. Returns none on trying to write to zero, or to a register
/// that doesn't exist.
pub fn write(&mut self, i: Register, val: Word) -> Option<()> {
match i {
0 => None, // cannot write to 0
1..=15 => {
self.regs[(i - 1) as usize] = val;
return Some(());
_ => None,
const ASSOCS: &'static [(Register, &'static str)] = &[
(0, "zero"),
(1, "ra"),
(2, "sp"),
(3, "t0"),
(4, "t1"),
(5, "t2"),
(6, "t3"),
(7, "a0"),
(8, "a1"),
(9, "a2"),
(10, "a3"),
(11, "s0"),
(12, "s1"),
(13, "s2"),
(14, "s3"),
(15, "t4"),
/// gets the register memonic name. Useful for pretty printing. (11 -> s0)
pub fn get_memo(i: Register) -> Option<&'static str> {
for (a, b) in ASSOCS {
if i == *a {
return Some(b);
return None;
/// gets the register index from its memonic name (s0 -> 11)
pub fn get_num(s: &str) -> Option<Register> {
for (a, b) in ASSOCS {
if s == *b {
return Some(*a);
return None;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
use std::io::stdin;
use crate::{
cpu::{ram::MAX_MEM, registers::Register},
loader::{loader::find_and_read_string, unloader::make_string},
use super::*;
// first working environment, we get input from stdin and we write output
// to a string.
// using strings to singal errors kinda sucks.
// TODO: Fix this
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct IOBuffer {
pub output: String,
impl Sys for IOBuffer {
fn call(cpu: &mut CPU<IOBuffer>, r: Register, c: Word) -> CPUResult<()> {
println!("called: {}", c);
match c {
// 0: write an integer to output
0 => {
let i = cpu.regs.get(r).ok_or(ExecErr::InvalidRegister)?;
cpu.env.output.push_str(&format!("{}", i));
// 1: read an integer to some register
1 => {
let mut buf = String::new();
.read_line(&mut buf)
.map_err(|_| ExecErr::SyscallError("Cannot read stdin".to_owned()))?;
let n: Word = buf
.map_err(|_| ExecErr::SyscallError("Cannot read number".to_owned()))?;
cpu.regs.write(r, n).ok_or(ExecErr::InvalidRegister)?;
// 2: reads a string from input and writes it to some location.
2 => {
let mut buf = String::new();
.read_line(&mut buf)
.map_err(|_| ExecErr::SyscallError("Cannot read stdin".to_owned()))?;
let s: Vec<u16> = make_string(&buf);
let start = cpu.regs.get(r).ok_or(ExecErr::InvalidRegister)?;
.write_array(&s[..], start)
.ok_or(ExecErr::SyscallError("Cannot write slice".to_owned()))?;
// 3: prints a string, reading it from memory.
// r must contain the address of the string.
// the string needs to be null-delimited.
3 => {
let pos = cpu.regs.get(r).ok_or(ExecErr::InvalidRegister)?;
// we slice from start to the end.
// why? good question. The find_and_read_string
// will short circuit as soon as it finds a null terminator,
// which might <potentially> never be found.
let data = cpu
.slice(pos, MAX_MEM as Word - 1)
let (s, _) = find_and_read_string(&data)
.map_err(|p| ExecErr::SyscallError("parse error!".to_owned()))?;
_ => return Err(ExecErr::InvalidSyscall),
return Ok(());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
mod io_vec;
pub use io_vec::IOBuffer;
use super::{CPUResult, ExecErr, CPU};
use super::registers::{Register, Word};
/// This trait represents all environments where our CPU can operate.
/// What this means is roughly defining system calls.
pub trait Sys: Sized {
// r should actually be 4 bits, while c should be
// 8 bits. TODO: more efficient packing?
/// Performs system call.
fn call(cpu: &mut CPU<Self>, r: Register, c: Word) -> CPUResult<()>;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
use super::*;
use crate::loader::unloader::*;
fn hello_world_binary_test() {
let hw = String::from("Hello world!");
let mut k = make_string(&hw);
let mut code: Vec<u16> = vec![
0b0111000100000011, // addi ra 3
0b1110000100000011, // ecall ra 3
0b1111000000000000, // HALT.
code.append(&mut k);
let mut env = IOBuffer::default();
let mut cpu = CPU::new(&mut env);
for c in &code[..] {
println!("{:#018b}", c);
assert_eq!(hw, cpu.env.output);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
use std::mem::transmute;
pub mod cpu;
pub mod jit;
pub mod loader;
// pub mod ;
pub mod assembler;
pub fn interpret_as_signed(x: u16) -> i16 {
// the two types have the same size.
unsafe {
return transmute::<u16, i16>(x);
pub fn interpret_as_unsigned(x: i16) -> u16 {
// the two types have the same size.
unsafe {
return transmute::<i16, u16>(x);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
pub const MAGIC: u16 = 39979;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
use crate::cpu::Word;
use super::{constants::MAGIC, Section};
pub enum ParseError {
/// Reads a requence of u16, and returns a rust utf8 owned string
/// and the index of the next 16bit word that follows the string,
/// so the first 16 bit word after the null delimiter.
/// It splits every u16 into two chunks of 8 bits, reads until
/// it finds the first empty u8 and attempts to convert the u8 array to
/// a rust UTF8 String.
pub fn find_and_read_string(s: &[u16]) -> Result<(String, usize), ParseError> {
let mut bytes = vec![];
let mut index: usize = 0;
for b in s.iter() {
let x0 = (*b & 0xFF00) >> 8;
let x1 = *b & 0x00FF;
// exit when the first 0 bit is found.
if x0 == 0 {
index += 1;
bytes.push(x0 as u8);
if x1 == 0 {
index += 1;
bytes.push(x1 as u8);
index += 1;
let s = String::from_utf8(bytes).map_err(|_| ParseError::Utf8ConvError)?;
return Ok((s, index));
/// Takes a binary file and returns a list of sections
pub fn read_binary(b: &[u16]) -> Result<Vec<Section>, ParseError> {
let mut res = vec![];
let headers = parse_header(b)?;
let hlen = headers.len() * 2 + 2; // two 16bits words for every entry,
// and 2 etxra 16 bits number at the start
for (offset, length) in headers {
// section start. The name begins here
let start = hlen + offset as usize;
let str_buffer = b.get(start..).ok_or(ParseError::UnexpectedHeaderEnd)?;
let (name, i) = find_and_read_string(str_buffer)?;
let c_start = start + i;
let c_end = start + (length as usize) + i;
println!("{:?}, start: {}, end: {}", b, c_start, c_end);
let Some(content) = b.get((c_start)..(c_end)) else {return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedFileEnd)};
res.push(Section::new(name, content))
/// Parses binary headers
fn parse_header(b: &[Word]) -> Result<Vec<(u16, u16)>, ParseError> {
let Some([m, s]) = b.get(0..2) else {return Err(ParseError::EmptyHeader)};
// Magic number check. Can go unchecked, check spec.
// if (*m != MAGIC) {
// return Err(WrongMagicNum)
// };
// s is the number of pairs (offset, length) in our header.
// since we're counting pairs, we need s*2 numbers from input.
let Some(headerdata) = b.get(2..((*s as usize * 2) + 2)) else {return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedHeaderEnd)};
headerdata.len() % 2 == 0,
"Header does not have an even number of words"
let mut hd = headerdata.iter();
let mut res = vec![];
while let (Some(offset), Some(len)) = (, {
res.push((*offset, *len))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
mod display;
pub mod loader;
pub mod unloader;
mod constants;
mod tests;
/// Represents a section, or symbol, that must end up in the
/// binary file.
pub struct Section<'a> {
/// Name of the symbol/section
name: String,
/// Content in bytes
content: &'a [u16],
impl Section<'_> {
pub fn new<'a>(name: String, content: &'a [u16]) -> Section<'a> {
Section { name, content }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
use super::loader::*;
use super::unloader::*;
use super::*;
// fuzzable, TODO
fn write_read_str_identity(s: &str) {
let mut bytes = make_string(s);
// pop null-terminator;
// bytes.pop().expect("String doesn't even have a single byte?");
// println!("w-r s: {:?}, b: {:?}", s, bytes);
let (s0, _) = find_and_read_string(&bytes).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, &s0);
fn read_write_str_identity(b: Vec<u16>) {
let (string, _) = find_and_read_string(&b).unwrap();
let mut n_term = b.clone();
// n_term.push(0);
// println!("r-w s: {:?}, b: {:?}", string, n_term);
assert_eq!(n_term, make_string(&string));
fn label_parse_identity() {
let testwords = vec!["Hello,", "main", "è", "Hello,,", "v", "main", "pi"]; // should support utf-8
for word in testwords {
println!("\nTEST {}\n", word);
let bytes = make_string(word);
// bytes.pop();
"word: {:?}, bytes: {:?}, length: {:?}",
println!("Done with {:?}", word);
// Symbol table test
fn sy_test() {
let fake_symbol_table: Vec<Section> = vec![
Section::new("v".to_owned(), &[1, 2, 3]),
Section::new("pi".to_owned(), &[3]),
Section::new("main".to_owned(), &[231, 323, 433]), // Section { name: todo!(), content: todo!() },
// Section { name: todo!(), content: todo!() }
let bin = make_binary(&fake_symbol_table);
println!("{:?}", bin);
let parsed_symbol_table = read_binary(&bin).expect("Wtf! We got error!");
println!("{:?}", parsed_symbol_table);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
use super::constants::MAGIC;
use super::Section;
impl Section<'_> {
/// Converts the entry's name to utf8 packed in bits of length 16.
fn serialize_name(&self) -> Vec<u16> {
return make_string(&;
/// Joins the name of the section followed by its contents in a
/// vector of 16 bits.
fn serialize(&self) -> Vec<u16> {
let mut tmp = make_string(&;
tmp.append(&mut self.content.to_owned());
return tmp;
/// Entry in the symbols table.
/// Consists of an offset and a lenght.
struct STEntry {
offset: u16,
length: u16,
/// Takes a string, and creates a u16, null-terminated utf8 string,
/// in a vector of u16 (padding possible)
pub fn make_string(s: &str) -> Vec<u16> {
let raw_bytes: &[u8] = s.as_bytes();
let mut rb = raw_bytes.iter();
// raw_bytes must be converted to u16.
let mut bytes: Vec<u16> = {
let mut res = vec![];
// highly cursed: depends on the order in which the arguments of a tuple are
// evaluated. Does its job!
while let (Some(word0), Some(word1)) = (, {
// println!("Pair: {}, {}, word: {:?}", word0, word1, raw_bytes);
res.push(((*word0 as u16) << 8) + (*word1 as u16));
// if we branch into this else, either there's a single word left or zero.
// since, in case a single word was left, the first call in the line
// above would've consumed it, we have to gather that last element again
match raw_bytes.len() {
0 => res,
n => {
if n % 2 != 0 {
// if there's an uneven number of chunks of 8 bits,
// we introduce padding!
// println!("Adding last one too");
res.push((*raw_bytes.last().unwrap() as u16) << 8);
// adding null termination byte
return bytes;
/// Takes a list of Section struct to be inserted in the symbols table and returns
/// both the table and the inserted data, with offsets
fn conv(sy_table: &[Section]) -> (Vec<STEntry>, Vec<u16>) {
let mut current_offset: u16 = 0;
let mut entries: Vec<STEntry> = vec![];
let mut content: Vec<u16> = vec![];
for entry in sy_table {
let mut binary_entry = entry.serialize();
// Add name + content to the whole file
content.extend_from_slice(&mut binary_entry);
// take note of the current offset and content lenght in the entry table
// (without including the length of the string)
entries.push(STEntry {
offset: current_offset,
length: entry.content.len() as u16,
// add to the current offset the length of the data we've saved:
current_offset += binary_entry.len() as u16;
return (entries, content);
/// Takes a list of STentry and serializes them
fn make_header(sy_table: &[STEntry]) -> Vec<u16> {
let mut res = vec![];
for entry in sy_table {
/// Takes a list of Sections and returns a binary file.
pub fn make_binary(sections: &[Section]) -> Vec<u16> {
let (sy_table, mut data) = conv(sections);
let mut header = make_header(&sy_table);
let mut res = vec![MAGIC, sections.len() as u16];
res.append(&mut header);
res.append(&mut data);
@ -1,3 +1,32 @@
use dekejit::cpu::IOBuffer;
use dekejit::cpu::CPU;
use dekejit::loader::unloader::*;
fn main() {
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let mut k = make_string("Hello world!");
let mut code: Vec<u16> = vec![
0b0111000100000011, // addi ra 3
0b1110000100000011, // ecall ra 3
0b1111000000000000, // HALT.
code.append(&mut k);
let mut env = IOBuffer::default();
let mut cpu = CPU::new(&mut env);
for c in &code[..] {
println!("{:#018b}", c);
match cpu.run_code_raw(&code) {
Ok(_) => {
println!("Result: {}", env.output)
Err(e) => println!("Err: {:?}", e),
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
; Hello world program.
.asciiz World
"Hello world\n"
.text main
addi t0 World ; load World's address into t0
call t0 3 ; print string syscall
.asciiz hey
"Hey dude\n"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Add table
Reference in a new issue