renamed AST to ast, following rust naming convention, removed some useless test files and moved the tests to the appropriate files.
67 lines
1.9 KiB
67 lines
1.9 KiB
use std::mem::transmute;
pub mod assembler;
pub mod cli;
pub mod cpu;
pub mod jit;
pub mod loader;
pub mod pretty_printers;
pub fn interpret_as_signed(x: u16) -> i16 {
// the two types have the same size.
unsafe {
return transmute::<u16, i16>(x);
pub fn interpret_as_unsigned(x: i16) -> u16 {
// the two types have the same size.
unsafe {
return transmute::<i16, u16>(x);
pub fn transmute_to_vecu16_as_is(x: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u16> {
let mut rb = x.iter();
// raw_bytes must be converted to u16.
let bytes: Vec<u16> = {
let mut res = vec![];
// Depends on the order in which the arguments of a tuple are
// evaluated. Rust guarantees to be left-to-right.
while let (Some(word0), Some(word1)) = (rb.next(), rb.next()) {
// println!("Pair: {}, {}, word: {:?}", word0, word1, raw_bytes);
res.push(((*word0 as u16) << 8) + (*word1 as u16));
// if we branch into this else, either there's a single word left or zero.
// since, in case a single word was left, the first rb.next() call in the line
// above would've consumed it, we have to gather that last element again
match x.len() {
0 => res,
n => {
if n % 2 != 0 {
// if there's an uneven number of chunks of 8 bits,
// we introduce padding!
// println!("Adding last one too");
res.push((*x.last().unwrap() as u16) << 8);
return bytes;
pub fn transmute_to_vecu8_as_is(x: Vec<u16>) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bytes = vec![];
for b in x.iter() {
let x0 = (*b & 0xFF00) >> 8;
let x1 = *b & 0x00FF;
bytes.push(x0 as u8);
bytes.push(x1 as u8);
return bytes;